Dear readers, dear ICCF friends,
Welcome to my very first column in ICCF
In this column, I will inform you regularly
about the work which was done in the ICCF Executive Board in
the period since the last ICCF AMICI issue.
Webserver Project
The Webserver Project approved at Congress in
Ostrava is running in line with the agreed time schedule and
budget for the year 2004. I am pleased to announce that in
comparison with the time schedule, the developing work even
could be accelerated, without any negative impact on the
costs and quality.
The Steering Group has elaborated and
approved the Functional System and Detailed Design of the
ICCF Webserver. These documents are progressively updated,
depending on the progress of the programming and testing
work. Based on these fundamental documents, the developing
work started in the end of 2003 and has progressed
significantly. The Steering Group has already elaborated and
signed off initial Webserver rules. A special test team of
experienced ICCF players and International Arbiters, lead by
Carlos Cranbourne (ARG) has been created; this team will
test the particular system features before the system is
Furthermore, the Steering Group has
progressed significantly in its discussions about the
detailed Patron of ICCF programme (as in general approved in
Ostrava) and about the structure of the ICCF Webserver
tournaments in 2004. Special announcements about Patron of
ICCF programme schemes are published at another place in
this ICCF AMICI issue.
Zonal matters
1st January, 2004 the new elected Zonal Directors
took over their positions and appointed their deputies as
Zone 1 – Europe
Gian-Maria Tani (ITA) – deputised by Sergey
Grodzensky (RUS)
Zone 2 – Latin America
Guillermo Toro Solís de Ovando (CHI) –
deputised by Carlos Cranbourne (ARG)
Zone 3 – North America and Pacific
Ruth Ann Fay (USA) – deputised by Jason Bokar
Zone 4 – Africa / Asia
Mohamed Samraoui (ALG) – deputised by Dinand
Knol (RSA)
As you know, the ICCF Congress in Ostrava
decided that effective from 1st January, 2004 the
European Zone should have its own administration, tournament
office and financial management, as the other Zones have.
The reports of new Zonal Director of the
Zone 1, Gian-Maria Tani show that this task has been pushed
ahead successfully. Today, the decisive positions in the new
European Executive Committee have already been covered,
including the Tournament Office for European title and
promotion tournaments.
In the Zone 4, Indonesia was recruited as
a new member federation and granted a provisional ICCF
membership according to the ICCF Statutes. The new
membership should be confirmed by the ICCF Congress in
Vacant position in the
Management Committee
Unfortunately, and
despite all our efforts, the important position of the
Marketing & Public Relations Commissioner still remains
The principal task of
this new ICCF Senior Officer should be to develop marketing
documentation on ICCF tournaments and services for use by
the Deputy President & Development Director, Webmaster and
media outlets both via WWW and printed material,
co-ordinating appropriately with other ICCF officials – in
other words, to provide an administrative “marketing
support“ to the Deputy President & Development Director.
Furthermore, in
consultation with the Deputy President & Development
Director, he should produce attractive and informative
material for use in the encouragement of potential new
member federations and for the attraction of new sponsors of
ICCF. Finally, he should be responsible for the production
and editing of the ICCF Telechess Articles for the ChessBase
On behalf of the Executive Board,
I ask kindly all national Delegates to help us to find an
appropriate person who would be able and willing to perform
this work. The proposals should be sent to the Deputy
President & Development Director, Max Zavanelli (USA)
Other personal and
organisational matters
after Congress in Ostrava, the following ICCF Commissioners
were appointed:
Rules Commissioner: Gerhard Radosztics (AUT)
– deputised by Per Söderberg (SWE).
Non-Title Tournaments Commissioner:
Valer-Eugen Demian (CAN) – deputised by Daniel Finkelstein.
The Qualifications Commissioner Eric Ruch
(FRA) appointed Frank Geider (FRA) as his deputy. The Title
Tournaments Commissioner Søren Peschardt (DEN) appointed
Kristian Rohde Jensen (DEN) as his deputy.
For personal reasons, the ICCF Title
Tournaments Commissioner Søren Peschardt (DEN) recently
retired. In March, 2004 the Executive Board promoted Daniel
Finkelstein to this important position. Therefore, Daniel
will have to be replaced as the deputy of the Non-Title
Tournaments Commissioner. For a new update of the Table of
Qualifiers, a small working group chaired by Peter Coleman
(ENG) has been established.
Witold Bielecki (POL) was appointed as
Chairman of the Tournament Rules Commission.
Furthermore, the
Executive Board appointed Ivan Bottlik (HUN) as Chairman of
the Historical Research Committee. Ivan will develop the
work programme and recruit members for this new Committee.
The first project should be a compilation of the
bibliography of CC (from all over the world) – a complete
list of books and periodicals.
ICCF Statutes
The President’s Commission has started its
work at the new ICCF Statutes which should be presented to
the ICCF Congress in Mumbai 2004 for its approval.
The areas to be discussed are:
- legal status of ICCF,
including its official seat,
- membership matters,
- range of titles awarded by ICCF,
- relations between ICCF and external CC organizations (IECG,
IECC, CiF etc.),
- relations between ICCF and its sponsors,
- structure of ICCF, particularly division in Zones,
- ICCF Congresses,
- marketing functions and the promotion of ICCF,
- people issues.
As a fundamental document
for this discussion, the paper “ICCF and its Future”
presented by Nol van’ t Riet (NED) at Ostrava Congress was
Review of the ICCF
Playing Rules
The Playing Rules
Commission is about to finalise the review of the postal
Playing Rules and is still discussing the Email Playing
Rules, with the “phoney day” being still one of the main
issues discussed within the Email play area.
Two new members, Josep Mercadal Benejam (ESP)
and Ken Reinhart (USA) were added to the Playing Rules
The Deputy President & Development
Director, Max Zavanelli (USA) edited and distributed within
the NAPZ a two-page informative brochure about ICCF (in PDF
format). This brochure has been edited in all official ICCF
languages – English, German, Spanish, French and Russian.
The postage for postal distribution within the NAPZ was
covered by the US national federation. Our grateful thanks
to Max for this useful achievement in the marketing area.
A copy of this brochure can be claimed by Max
and / or by all Executive Board members. Also, this brochure
will be downloadable from the ICCF website soon. We
encourage all delegates to use it within their countries for
a promotion of ICCF and for recruiting new players for ICCF
Analysis Prize Competition
– New In Chess
Long ago, the participants
in the 3/4-Final of the 1st Email Chess World
Championship, sponsored by NIC (3/4-Final 20) and in the
Semifinal of the 2nd Email Chess World
Championship, sponsored by NIC (Semifinal 25) were
encouraged to submit their annotated games for this
competition to the ICCF Honorary President Alan Borwell (SCO).
The official deadline will be within one month after the
closing dates for both tournaments.
Although both tournaments
have not yet been finished, the number of submissions for
this competition has not been satisfactory.
Therefore, I ask all
Tournament Directors in these events to encourage players to
submit their annotated games for the competition. Our
sponsor NIC provided us very nice prize money for that, and
it would be pity not to take advantage of this opportunity.
Furthermore, the delivery of annotated games is one of the
ICCF commitments resulting from the sponsorship agreement
with NIC.
Correspondence Chess Players Photo Album
Italian friends ASIGC created a very nice website with
photos / short bios of correspondence chess players, which
has been placed on the website of the European Zone on:
I recommend you all to visit this site and to help our
Italian friends to enlarge this nice collection of photos –
the ASIGC webmaster Maurizio Sampieri
would surely be grateful for any addition to his collection.
ICCF Congress 2004 in
Our Indian friends from
AICCF work hard on the Congress arrangements, strongly
supported by the Zonal Director Africa / Asia Med Samraoui (ALG).
The preliminary budget and
outline programme of the Congress have already been
submitted by AICCF. On 13-14th March, 2004 I
visited Germany and discussed the Congress arrangements in
detail with Dr Ambar Chatterjee (IND) and Med Samraoui, with
the aim to distribute invitational papers by end April.

Working dinner in Jülich: Med Samraoui, Ambar
Chatterjee and Josef Mrkvička
Based on the results of
the preliminary questionnaire, approx. 60 participants from
abroad are expected to attend to Mumbai Congress.
The following outline programme of Congress
was approved:
Saturday October 30th,
2004 |
arrivals & welcoming banquet |
Sunday October 31st |
opening & first day session & opening
banquet |
Monday November 1st |
second day session, ladies programme
& simultaneous play |
Tuesday November 2nd |
third day session, ladies programme &
match against local club |
Wednesday November 3rd |
fourth day session, ladies programme
& evening
free for EB or other meetings |
Thursday November 4th |
a full-day excursion covered by AICCF & blitz
tournament |
Friday November 5th |
a day free (or an optional excursion)
& closing banquet |
Saturday November 6th |
departures or start of the Golden
Triangle Tour |
Negotiations with
ChessBase GmbH in Hamburg
On 27th February, I visited the
seat of the company ChessBase in Hamburg and discussed with
Mr Matthias Wüllenweber the future co-operation between ICCF
and ChessBase.
these negotiations, I informed ChessBase about the ICCF
development after Ostrava Congress and about the most
important tasks for ICCF to resolve before and at the Mumbai
Congress (Webserver Project, new ICCF Statutes, new ICCF
integrated tournament structure).

Martin Bennedik, Josef
Mrkvička and Matthias Wüllenweber
at ChessBase in Hamburg
Both sides stressed their permanent interest
in a future close co-operation. In particular, ChessBase
emphasised that they preferred to co-operate with worldwide
acknowledged official chess organisations, like FIDE and
ChessBase is ready to continue sponsoring
future ICCF tournaments, preferably with book / software
prizes. The detailed arrangements are to be designated for
particular tournaments.
Martin Bennedik made a short presentation of
the present status of the ICCF Webserver Project, which was
highly acknowledged and appreciated by ChessBase.
From November 2004, ICCF proposed to
ChessBase to provide their ICCF Telechess Articles for every
issue of the ChessBase Magazine (bi-monthly). This proposal
was thankfully accepted by ChessBase.
asked ChessBase to make sure that no reference to ICCF
events / tournaments will be made in the CBM articles
presented by other CC organisations than ICCF. Mr
Wüllenweber promised to forward this request to Rainer Knaak
and other ChessBase people responsible for the CBM. I also
emphasised that ICCF didn't consider it as correct that the
articles in CBM are used for free promotion of commercial
Finally, I gave an interview for the Radio
Negotiations with the
Slovak CC Federation in Piestany
On invitation of the
Slovak CC Federation, I visited Slovakia and as a special
guest, I took part at the regular meeting of their Council
held from 19 till 20 March,
2004 in POPPY Hotel in Piestany.

From left: Július Gajarský, Matej Botta,
Peter Eiben, Milan Manduch,
Stanislav Škerlík, Pavol Veselý, Juraj Václav, Josef
Mrkvička, Pavol Polakovič,
Peter Marczell, sitting Martin Kevický
On 20 March, I held a 2+
hours address to the Council members. I focused on and
explained the new organisational structure of ICCF after
Ostrava Congress, on the ICCF Webserver Project and on the
principal ICCF tasks before the Mumbai Congress. After my
presentation, I replied to some questions and gave a short
interview to SIM Peter Marczell, editor of the Slovak CC
In my address to the
Council, I stressed that the Slovak players / officials
should be more involved into the ICCF work. Slovakia is not
represented at all in the current structure of ICCF bodies
and Commissions, while there are some experienced players /
officials who surely would be able to cover tasks on the
international level.
- As
the winner of the 1st Slav Cup team tournament, Slovak CC
Federation will organise the second
Slav Cup which should start in 2004 or early 2005. The exact
start date to be agreed with the WTD. As in the first
tournament, only teams from Slav countries will be eligible
to participate.
- Slovak CC Federation will consider the
organisation of the ICCF World Cup XV to be started in 2006.
- At the Assembly of Delegates in May 2004,
the Council will address the present delegates, with the aim
to recruit volunteers for the work in the ICCF Commissions
and other ICCF working teams.
Negotiations with AJEC people in Paris
During our short holidays in Paris, my wife
Alena and I were invited to a dinner by AJEC which took
place on 27th March, 2004 in the restaurant
Thoumieux. The AJEC President Olivier Bouverot, ICCF
Delegate Eric Ruch and Pierre Ruiz Vidal participated on
AJEC side.
Eric Ruch, Josef Mrkvička and Olivier
Bouverot enjoying the dinner in the restaurant Thoumieux in
before my arrival, I gave an interview to Eric Ruch which
would be published (in French) on the AJEC website and in "Courrier
Actually, we didn't "work" too much during
the dinner, but nevertheless, we discussed some ICCF issues,
particularly the planned ICCF Congress 2007 in France.